Agence PumpUp
Web analytics agency

The web analytics agency
that gives meaning
to your data

Google Analytics is essential to know the profile of your users and make better decisions for your business.

It allows you to understand and analyze the behavior of Internet users on your site. How does your target find your products or services? The tool is also essential to understand the performance of the different traffic acquisition levers: sea, seo, social networks, direct, newsletter… that lead to the site, the blog or the landing page.

In a blink of an eye, you can identify the pages that attract traffic, those that convert, the leakage points, the geolocation of Internet users, the products put in the basket, the most viewed services…

All the resources you need to optimize your web marketing actions !

De quoi obtenir les ressources nécessaires pour optimiser vos actions webmarketing !
I need help with web analytics

We stand our from other Web analytics agencies !

Our Data Managers will help you set up your tool in order to optimize your digital issues, measure the profitability of your advertising investments, evaluate the failures of your website and optimize your marketing.

They perform an Analytics audit, create a tagging plan and configure and deploy analytics tools: Google Tag Manager, Google Analytics, call tracking.



You don’t have access to the breakdown of your digital data. Our certified Data Managers configure the right tools so you can measure all the inbound contacts generated by your site, as well as all the information you need to make the right decisions.

Maintenance & Data services

Maintenance & Data services

Getting lost in the various reports and traffic sources? Not sure you’re reading them correctly? Call on our data experts to help you maintain and update your web analytics.

Our method

Profitability measurement

Meet our 2 Data Manager

Grenoble Sylvain
CTO / Head of the R&D department and Analytics expert
Trained as a developer, Sylvain quickly became interested in CRM development and then in web-based prospective systems. About 15 years ago, he started using Analytics to complement CRM data and optimize marketing investments. Today, with Pumpup, he develops data and technical expertise while remaining in contact with clients through the implementation of analytics KPI.
Rouen Nathan
Data Manager
Nathan started his career as a full-stack web developer for an e-commerce website. He joined the PumpUp team in 2016 and joined the data department. He assists clients in the installation of tracking scripts and in the use of audience measurement tools. His experience as a developer allows him to develop diagnostic tools for these tools.

They trust us

Groupe Credit Agricole
Free diagnostic

Some key figures

Google Analytics : more than 29 billion tracked sites
of VSEs and SMEs have a website

The benefits of web analytics

I want an audit
  • Understand your visitors
    Understand your visitors

    Thanks to measurement tools, discover the profile of the people present on your site, analyze the source of your visits, the performance of your content, etc. Follow the path of your leads through your pages. Where are they going? Which page converts the most? How much time is spent on your site? Is it qualified traffic? What is the number of page views? All these statistics are essential to know in order to adapt your web strategy.

  • Use data for your ad campaigns
    Use data for your ad campaigns

    Every euro spent is important. That's why understanding your users and knowing who they are is good, and using this information to create precise audiences for your ad campaigns is even better! Data is only interesting if it is used wisely and this is what web analytics offers you.

  • Make better strategic decisions
    Make better strategic decisions

    The analysis of the collected data is only meant to allow you to make the right decisions for your website. Learning more about your traffic sources will allow you to adjust your strategies and prioritize your actions: should you optimize your SEO or spend more money on your advertising campaigns? Also, learning more about your visitors will allow you to orient your actions (conversion path, message, target) to better convert.

Our method

Your KPIs are key to your digital success
Analytics is a key factor in digital marketing and optimization of e-commerce sites for decision makers. This tool allows you to manage and optimize your digital advertising investments and to develop their sustainable growth. Your strategic decisions must result from the collection and analysis of your data.
Web Analysis
Web analytics allows websites to measure all the flows inherent to their activity and therefore to accurately track conversions. With PumpUp and the creation of data tracking projects, you can now get a global view of the performance of your acquisition campaigns and their ROI.
Ready ?
Ready to analyze your data, your performance indicators and understand your users in order to better support your company in the optimization of its digital strategy? Trust our Data Manager and Traffic Manager who are all at the forefront of changes.

Our web analytics agency, a guarantee of excellence

  • We have a real pole specialized in Analytics and Data Measurement
  • Our specialists take care of your plan (adapted to your budget)
  • We accompany you on the installation of the scripts
  • We work directly with your tools
  • Our Analytics services work with the support of our Traffic Managers.
  • Our experts have numerous Analytics certifications
  • Each project includes a phase of verification of analytical information after the fact
  • We have proven multi-sector expertise.

Indispensable to any successful marketing strategy, web analysis enables websites to measure all the flows inherent to their activity. Data analysis is a fundamental tool for steering your web advertising investments.

Ready to make your data talk?