Agence PumpUp
LinkedIn Ads agency

Find new customers
with our LinkedIn Ads

Linkedin. 630 million users in 2019. Leading professional social network. We spend a lot of time there, whether it's to polish our CVs, look for a job (that's the platform's raison d'être!), maintain our network, keep abreast of the latest news in our field of activity or hunt for new customers. The platform's numbers are growing year on year, and reflect the ever-increasing commitment of its users. Some 130,000 articles are created every month, and 40 million members are in decision-making positions within their companies.
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Our LinkedIn Ads agency

Expert knowledge of the advertising network: PumpUp is a partner of the Linkedin Ads network. Our experts are certified and supported by Linkedin account managers.

Set-up analytics

Set-up analytics

Implementation of the LinkedIn Ads Pixel by our Data team for detailed tracking of ad performance. Without action tracking, it’s impossible to properly optimize your campaigns.

Creation of campaigns and (optional) visuals

Creation of campaigns and (optional) visuals

Our Social Ads experts take care of creating your LinkedIn campaigns: audiences, bidding strategy, ad formats. Don’t have the in-house resources for graphic design? The creative teams at our LinkedIn Ads agency create high-performance visuals to maximize the CTR and ROI of your campaigns.

Campaign management & Reporting

Campaign management & Reporting

Monitoring and optimizing campaigns according to the KPIs that matter to your business. Every month, our LinkedIn Ads consultants meet with you to present the results and define the next steps to be taken on your campaigns.

Why trust our LinkedIn Ads agency?

Multi-levier experts

Our LinkedIn Ads experts

Grenoble Lucas
Traffic Manager
An SEA expert for 8 years, Lucas is one of our senior consultants in paid search and social ads. His ROI-focused actions enable you to develop your digital business once the profitability equation has been reached on existing campaigns.
Roubaix Apolline
Traffic Manager
A passionate Traffic Manager at PumpUp, Apolline is committed to finding the ideal recipe for an effective and profitable Social Selling strategy! She works with the agency to structure, monitor and advise on e-business to develop your brand and promote your offers and/or products.

Some key figures

million members worldwide
of people who read articles on Linkedin hold decision-making positions
more effective at generating leads than Facebook and X.

Advantages of LinkedIn's advertising network

I want an audit
  • First professional social network
    First professional social network

    The advertising network works like a directory of professionals to contact: you get in touch with a group of prospects to present your activity and your offers. It's widely used around the world: your target audience is certainly among them.

  • Various ad formats
    Various ad formats

    The ad network offers a variety of ad formats to help you get in touch with your target: using visual formats allows you to present your activity in the target's news feed, while images and videos can be used for mass distribution, and inmails and Conversation Ads for privileged contact! These are just some of the formats available.

  • LinkedIn Matched Audiences
    LinkedIn Matched Audiences

    Linkedin Matched Audiences are personalized audiences, shaped by your data: retargeting web users according to their interactions with your brand. Video views, imported lists, links with your CRM: the possibilities are numerous, enabling you to reach your targets in the best way for concrete results.

How can our LinkedIn Ads agency help you?

Strategic study
Analyzing your needs, your business, your activity. Our experts immerse themselves in your business to understand what's at stake, the competition and the need for advertising. We define a strategy tailored to your business and your budget, with SMART objectives in mind.
We study and adapt to your business and your constraints.
Campaign set-ups
Implementation of advertising campaigns, according to the recommendations of the advertising agency, Linkedin Ads account managers and the experience of our experts.
Monthly meeting
Data analysis and optimization: we provide you with the best recommendations for your business, to help you stand out on the web and maximize the volume of qualified leads.
Annual strategic review
This is an opportunity to take a step back from the actions undertaken and to set the strategic course for the next period.

In short, our LinkedIn Ads agency is

  • Increase the visibility of your brand image and brand awareness
  • Target a highly qualified audience
  • Nurture your sales force to connect with qualified prospects
  • Set up campaigns to improve ROI and results
  • Adjust campaign budgets to control expenses
Ready to get started?