Agence PumpUp
International digital marketing agency

Develop your brand

Today, the international development of companies is facilitated by the opening of territories to digital: web search, social networks, e-mailing. Your persona, whether B2B or B2C, is present and accessible digitally. Our international digital marketing agency helps you develop an export strategy using digital marketing levers.
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We stand out from other international web agencies

  • A team of multi-lever experts: SEA, SEO, Inbound, CRM
  • Dedicated experts in specific territories: Europe, USA, Oceania
  • Trusted partners for Asia
Digital monitoring and definition of a strategy

Digital monitoring and definition of a strategy

Do you want to export but you don’t know which market represents the best opportunity for your business? Our experts support you over 2 months to define the most relevant territories.

Implementation of the strategy

Implementation of the strategy

Do you want to launch one or more export campaigns? Our certified experts implement the structuring and initial optimizations over two months.

Coaching and support

Coaching and support

You would like to receive recurring support in the management of your campaigns. Get help from one of our 20 certified experts and boost your international performance.

Why choose our international digital marketing agency?

Our technical expertise

Our experts in international digital marketing

Roubaix Paul
Agency Director and SEA Expert for 10 years
Passionate about paid and natural search, Paul regularly provides training on these issues, whether with our partners or our clients. Concerned about combining visibility and profitability, its working methods are based exclusively on reading the data associated with the specificity of each Business Model.
Grenoble Amélie
Traffic Manager SEO & SEA
Thanks to various international experiences in digital marketing such as Australia and the Netherlands, Amélie supports companies with their export issues. Some examples of markets currently worked: Switzerland, Germany, UK.
Grenoble Lucas
Traffic Manager
Lucas supports companies in the development of their international web strategy. With experience in SEA and Social Ads, he supports companies in the following markets: USA, Canada, UK.


Founded nearly a decade ago, Citerneo has established itself as an industry leader in flexible tank technology. The company manufactures a wide range of well-designed products to meet all needs: fire tanks, rainwater collectors, drinking water and hydrocarbon storage solutions, etc.

By working with the PumpUp team, Citerneo managed to gain new customers thanks to Google Ads. Thanks to in-depth research and the understanding of the different markets by our experts, the Google Ads account was able to be restructured according to the results obtained but also by following Google Partner best practices to obtain maximum impact. Result: a marked increase of +63%. With good planning and thoughtful execution, the development of export Ads campaigns allows you to obtain new sources of customer acquisition.

They trust us

Groupe Credit Agricole
Free diagnostic

Some key figures

30 000
the minimum granted to SMEs and ETIs by the international growth loan
young people are turning towards the international market (attractiveness)
average growth of companies that launch into export

The advantages of international

Contact us
  • Reach a much larger market
    Reach a much larger market

    Digitalization and the free movement of goods and services within the European Union facilitate international expansion.

  • Increase your notoriety
    Increase your notoriety

    Be visible and increase the traffic generated on your site by search engines.

  • Establish your reputation with the various stakeholders
    Establish your reputation with the various stakeholders

    Expanding abroad strengthens your brand reputation and reassures potential customers. For B2B businesses, internationalization can lead to new customers and growth opportunities.

  • Drive innovation in your business
    Drive innovation in your business

    Exporting involves exploring new markets and competing with new players. These challenges can stimulate the improvement of your offer, including improvements in terms of functionality, quality, price, marketing, after-sales service, etc.

  • Benefit from financial aid to limit risks
    Benefit from financial aid to limit risks

    The French government offers aid schemes to businesses for exporting, such as the international growth loan from BPI France. This aid aims to support SMEs and mid-sized companies in their expansion abroad.

How does an international project work at pumpup?

First meeting
A project manager and a digital consultant listen to you about your needs in order to fully understand your project. This customer discovery kick-off makes it possible to establish a growth roadmap as well as the SMART objectives (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic) to be achieved.
An audit of your account and the market
During the customer discovery point, our team combines technical knowledge and e-business strategy. In-depth analysis of your “business model” is essential to launch Ads campaigns in accordance with the objectives of your company and the reality of your market.
Set-up of your strategy
Our experts put all the elements in place: brand platform, UX optimizations, SEO, creation of Ads campaigns, social networks.
Managing your account and regular meetings
Our teams work for you! It is therefore essential that you understand the performance related to optimizing your acquisition and retention strategy. Thanks to Data Analytics, we present to you the key indicators that interest you to manage your digital strategy. You have access to these reports and reports at any time, in your customer area, to share them with your teams.

In short, our agency is:

  • A market study and digital competitive intelligence
  • The definition of persona and a marketing strategy
  • Managing international marketing levers
  • KPI analysis for 100% ROI management
  • Long-term actions & Inbound marketing
1 Understanding export issues
Why go international?
What methodology to develop your business internationally?
Should I work on my multilingual SEO?
How to have a multilingual site?
Ready to find new customers?