Agence PumpUp
Google Analytics agency

Analyze your digital
marketing data

The Google Analytics tool allows you to record a lot of information about the traffic and activity of your website. Our Data Managers will assist you in the installation of your web analytics tool to optimize your digital issues (measure the profitability of your advertising investments, evaluate the failures of your website but also optimize your marketing).
I need help with GA4

Our Google Analytics agency, a guarantee of excellence

Google Analytics is essential for understanding user profiles and making better business decisions. It provides a global view of the effectiveness of all actions taken.



You don’t have access to the breakdown of your digital data. Our certified Data Managers configure the right tools so you can measure all the inbound contacts generated by your site, as well as all the information you need to make the right decisions.

Maintenance and Data Service

Maintenance and Data Service

Getting lost in the various reports and traffic sources? Not sure you’re reading them correctly? Call on our data experts to help you maintain and update your web analytics.

Our method for GA4

Tailor-made reports for your business

Meet our 2 GA4 experts

Grenoble Sylvain
R&D manager, Analytics and Google Tag Manager expert
Trained as a developer, Sylvain quickly became interested in CRM development and then in web-based prospective systems. About 15 years ago, he started using Analytics to complement CRM data and optimize marketing investments. Today, with Pumpup, he develops data and technical expertise while remaining in contact with clients through the implementation of branding plans. For him, setting up and optimizing a Google Tag Manager tracking system is no longer a secret.
Rouen Nathan
Data Manager, Analytics expert and Google Tag Manager
Nathan started his career as a full-stack web developer for an e-commerce website. He joined the PumpUp team in 2016 and joined the data department. He assists clients in the installation of tracking scripts and in the use of audience measurement tools such as Analytics and Tag Manager. His experience as a developer allows him to develop diagnostic tools for these tools.

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Groupe Credit Agricole
Free diagnostic

Some key figures

Google Analytics represents 85% of the global market
million sites use Google Analytics
Google Analytics makes it possible to increase your sales by 400%

The benefits of Google Analytics for your business

I need an audit
  • Deepen your knowledge of your customers' behavior
    Deepen your knowledge of your customers' behavior

    Use measurement tools to discover the profile of people visiting your site, analyze the source of your visits, the performance of your content, and more. Follow the path of your leads through your pages. Where do they go? Which page converts the most? How long do they spend on your site? Is it qualified traffic? How many pages are viewed? These are just some of the visitor statistics you need to know in order to adapt your web strategy.

  • Improve your business strategy
    Improve your business strategy

    Every euro spent is important. That's why understanding your users and knowing who they are is good, and using this information to create precise audiences for your ad campaigns is even better! Data is only of interest if it's put to good use, and that's what web analytics offers you.

  • Analysis of your site's performance
    Analysis of your site's performance

    The only purpose of analyzing the data collected is to enable you to make the right decisions for your website. Learning more about your traffic sources will enable you to adjust your strategies and prioritize your actions: should you optimize your search engine optimization (SEO) or spend more on your advertising campaigns? Also, learning more about your visitors will enable you to direct your actions (conversion path, message, target) for better conversion.

Our method

Advanced tracking set-up via Google Tag Manager
Our Google Analytics agency uses Google Tag Manager to configure your analytics tracking. In this way, our data experts can implement data layers that allow you to go into the granularity of your statistics while complying with current regulations such as the RGPD.
Lead and e-commerce follow-up
Lead tracking or e-commerce evaluates the performance of your digital campaigns on your "online store". You can observe your sales performance by product or by traffic source. It's an essential tool for identifying your 20-80 over a given period, by analyzing your key indicators (volume, sales generated, etc.). E-commerce tracking drives your online business forward.
Creating custom variables
The standard version of Google Analytics offers up to 5 variable values per page, per event or per e-commerce action. In its paid version, Analytics 360, this can be increased from 5 to 50. Variables can be used to edit customized statistical dimensions. There are three levels of variables: Visitor (to track attributes such as customer number); Visit (to identify members/member names or payment methods) and Page (to analyze page content consumption).
Definition of a relevant attribution model
The arrival of Google Analytics 4, and the upheavals linked to consent mode (RGPD) have changed the attribution models we knew with Universal Analytics (Linear, last click, position-based...). Today, the most relevant attribution model is "Data-based" since it provides a global view of your visits, taking into account the different channels: display, video, search, social. It's worth noting that a user's buying cycle can vary in length. Between the first point of contact and the actual purchase, several levers come into play. This attribution model is therefore a real game changer for cross-channel tracking. It gives you a holistic view of your data, and therefore of your marketing investments.
Benchmarking and customized reporting
The Analytics comparative analysis enables you to see in near-real time how your traffic acquisition performance compares with your industry and competitors, and whether you're generating as much paid and natural traffic as they are. To find out how your traffic compares to the market, you can use the Analytics table to track the number of pages and sessions, average session length and bounce rate. Our Google Analytics services can include the creation of customized reports to facilitate the daily monitoring of your data.

In short, Google Analytics is

Google Analytics is essential to know the profile of users and make better decisions for your business. It offers a global view of the effectiveness of all actions taken.

Google Analytics allows you to understand and analyze the behavior of Internet users on the site. How does your target find your products or services? The tool is also essential to understand the performance of the different traffic acquisition levers: sea, seo, social networks, direct, newsletter… that lead to the site, the blog or the landing page.

In the blink of an eye, the tool allows you to identify the pages that attract traffic, those that convert, the leakage points, the geolocation of Internet users, the products put in the shopping cart, the most viewed services… All of which gives you the resources you need to optimize your digital marketing actions.

3 elements are essential to any digital strategy:

  • data collection
  • the analysis of the data
  • understanding the data

Indeed, it is essential for your business to converge the data of your site with Google Analytics in order to measure your ROI. This allows you to make the right decisions regarding the implementation of your strategy. This is how you will stand out from your competitors.

1 Data analysis 2 Install & Configure GA4 3 Common mistakes 4 Evaluate a website's performance
How do I measure the success of my website ?
How do I know the impact of my investment via data ?
What is Google Analytics ?
Why is Google Analytics useful to develop my business ?
What should I check if my traffic drops sharply ?
What is an event in Google Analytics 4?
What is the conversion funnel?
How to install Google Analytics on my website ?
How do I set up my goals in Google Analytics ?
How do I block spam in Google Analytics ?
Why create customized channel groups ?
What is an e-commerce script ?
How do I know which product has been sold on my e-shop ?
How to evaluate the performance of my products on Google Analytics ?
How to improve the quality of Google Analytics reports ?
What is the attribution model in Google Analytics ?
Why is Google Analytics not working on my site ?
What mistakes can I avoid with GA?
What are the KPIs to follow on Google Analytics ?
How to measure and analyze the bounce rate of my website ?
Ready to make your data talk?